The Best Korean Rhinoplasty From Pig Nose To Cat Nose?

How the best Korean rhinoplasty can change pig nose into the cat nose? Pig nose can refers to big and round nose tip. Meanwhile, cat nose can refers to small and tiny nose tip. But in this case not always the size which we speak about.

The best Korean rhinoplasty always make pretty natural result even it can applied into pig nose. From every way, the nose will be seen as natural as it will not be noticed. It’s using ultra soft silicon so it can turn to be soft result and high elasticity.

The best Korean rhinoplasty also called this mochi mesh surgery. It has perfect shape from nose bridge until the nose tip. It sometimes called beauty line. Of course women and men nose is different one and another. While women are depending on beauty line, men are depending on the strong ‘L’ shape.

Cat nose surgery is really different from pig nose surgery. Cat nose surgery is focus on nose tip shape. Using the autologous tissue inside the nose, it will become the point to make nose tip become sharper. While pig nose surgery can be moved naturally, nose tip that is made by cat nose surgery stick between the bottom of the nose that can make hard move.

It’s not meant that cat nose surgery will not give natural result. But it give more detailed shape to the best Korean rhinoplasty. For those who want to fix just only the nose tip, the best Korean rhinoplasty would recommend this cat nose surgery. At rhinoplasty surgery Wonjin, we raise the sagging cartilage and fixate it to make a short and sharp tip for a much softer appearance.

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